
True Words

"Us women have so much power. Keep that in mind... we bring lives int the world. We give men ultimate pleasure that they can get NO where else so choose wisely, don't be so quick to fall for a smile, cause you never know the under lying truth behind that smile or sweet gestures. And when in a relationship, make sure its 50/50 cause once you give more then the other person, you loose yourself and fall deeper."

- words spoken by, my home girl "jasmin"

Beautiful .


Which Side?

This picture represents me. I say this because I have to personalities, the positive and negative. And this picture clearly shows both sides by its color. Some days i feel like the Red Hulk, simply negative. And some days i feel like the Green Hulk, loving caring, and balanced. The Hulk is my favorite character. Our actions, decisions and, how we think match. And he's cute :)


Omg, I haven't been on blog for a while, a lot of stuff been going on new ideas new perspectives new friends, everything. Things been great music is getting better and better each day, Q-Tip song "Gettin' Up" dope video and song, also Murs "Can It Be". Check it out.