
and that's how it is.

as days are continuing to go by i notice how things are literally changing, growing apart, becoming less and less transparent. it frustrates me to know that its really just me in this world who sees situations differently. im really done caring. I've notice that its a waste of time caring over someone, (people in genera)l. If you don't care about shit then your all good no heart aches or stress or just extra UNWANTED things laying on your shoulders. Time and time i put myself out there and it ends up becoming a dead alley when it could have became a long ass street (lol)., so its all good i guess, but to sum everything up in this post im pretty much saying i slowly became heartless.

video games?

mannn, ashton got me hooked on these facebook games >:o lol, i don't even have a facebook im always on his playing those gameessss, i feel like a lil toddler i now sometimes put the game in front of my homework lol. but i usually still get it done :).