
he is apart of me.

maaan my grandfather had way style. haha he's smooth still till this day. I love this man, without him i will be a different person and i know that for a fact. he's my wise grandfather, crazy but wise and a jazz fanatic fan. when you have a intellectual conversation with me your also talking to him, he's apart of me mentally.


SOOO. I am now a vegetarian. NO MORE MEAT!, the only reason i am becoming a vegetarian is because im searching for a new life style that i feel will best suit me. AND its horrible what they do to the animals and what they put in them like hormones and steroids etc. and i eat that, puke!, no more of that. I will not contribute to the madness that hid underneath the beauty especially if im aware of whats going on behind closed doors, i feel that's ignorant of me to do. and yes i did mess up ONCE during my transition, but i felt wrong eating it so i took some meat out.