
This is the best show I've ever been to

Obama starring in a Spiderman Comic :) how cool

A six-page story with the Spiderman saving the day when an imposter tries to take Obama's place as president. Marvel Comics editor Joe Quesada said the idea for edition came after Obama admitted he was a Spider-Man fan.

Frank Miller

Frank Miller is dope he directed The Spirit , Sin City , and 300 and wrote lots of comics for DC , Marvel, also Dark Horse Comics.

One of my favorite songs by Tribe Called Quest

Lyrics To Go - Tribe Called Quest


Star Trek ; Voyager


If a chicken crossed the road then it is our resposibility as Starfleet officers to find out why. No matter how long or how far it takes us out of the way! Now who is with me?


Whatever its reason, whatever its goals, we should respect its right to cross the road and seek its own spiritual awareness.


That's not a question we'd prefer to hear from a senior officer. It makes the junior officers nervous.


Well, I think that... say, that's a lovely shirt you're wearin'.


Actually, Captain, I'm not really familiar with the chickens in this system. But, if you can catch it, I can cook it.


It was remembering back to the times when its ancestors crossed roads all the time! They lost those abilities because they stopped using them!


How should I know? No one tells me anything around here. I didn't even know we added chickens to the crew. All I know is that it would have been nice, BEFORE the chicken went off to the cross the road, if it had remembered to turn me off!


I'm sure it felt suffocated by all the bleeping regulations of bleeping Starfleet and just couldn't stand it any longer!


I don't know, it's my first mission.

Seven of nine:

It is irrelevant to our mission. The chicken should be left behind to suffer its own fate.

Shake My Head

My favorite pics for today :)



"Photo Shoot" with cousin (Jovanna)

Here are some samples of the pictures I shoot during the photo shoot..




Photographer: Asha McClendon (Ignore the red eye photo)
Editor: Asha McClendon