

maann , so today in my aim world for some reason everyone i was having a conversation with decided to talk about tattoos. So everyone is telling me what they wanna get and where and all that ish, so i guess it was my turn to tell them what tattoo i'm going to get and where, so i said i was going to get a tattoo in my bottom lip saying Africa. and of course everyone was like "omg" , "wtf", "that's stupid" , blah blah blah. But its really not stupid if u take a second or 2 to think about it. number one, its inside of my lip so noo one is gonna see it unless i show it so that means when i go on a job interview they won't see any noticeable tats on me and if they ask i'll simply say no but feel guilty for telling a lie, number 2 i think its cool, number 3 if my mom says i can't get a tattoo and i do she'll never no its inside my lip. so ... its not stupid its gonna be so dope! im excited, it might hurt a lil but hey its worth it. and the purpose is blurry right now like almost everything but after i get it , its either going to be a positive or negative outcome.